
I think by now everyone knows that racism is where someone is made fun of because of their culture race etc. But today I am going to go into detail here.

Some of us have been through racism for heaps of reasons like, religion, race, culture, skin tone and heaps more!

Let's take an example, aboriginals couldn't vote for a prime minister, attend events and nothing that non-aboriginals could do. What the government didn't know was that aboriginals were automatically Australian citizens.

Why, you may ask, well it's because many years ago they were the first and only people on the Australian land (before Captain Cook arrived in 1770). Then in a debate in 1967 with all Australians the topic was 'should aboriginals have the rights to do anything', and 90% of Australia said yes, then a few years later they gave the aboriginals the rights to do what citizens can do.

So you see, the only reason why they had no rights was because of their nationality.

I think if we all lived through the bad years the aboriginals had to experience we would've voted yes too!

Ever since then we have been one of the most multi-cultural countries in the world, that's pretty impressive if I say so myself.

If it wasn't for the debate or the big percentage of people voting yes, we wouldn't  EVEN be close to being multi-cultural.

Hmm... what's another time racism turned bad? Oh yes even though this is all the way from America, it is still very important and a horrible thing! Did you hear when Donald Trump was going to build a big wall between America and Mexico?

The only reason why he did this is because he HATED MEXICANS? Whaaattt, even I was shocked too, Donald Trump shouldn't have rights just to say "I will build a wall".

I predict we have all recognised that this is racism coming our way. But he is the president, and ever since, Donald Trump has been hated because of his discrimination towards women, black people and Mexicans.

If I was the president I would let anyone in my country, unlike Donald Trump.

I hope I persuaded most of you guys that racism needs to be identified and stopped. I bet we have had enough with all the mean comments when people cannot change how they look.


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